Saturday, April 16, 2011

*Late at night*
Ma: Tui ki bichanaa'r chaador jherechish?
Me: Hyaan.
Ma: Ekhono kutkut korche.
Me: Haath diye er beshi jhara jay na! Jhaarte hole jhaata keno!
Ma: *making waving hand motions* Emni kore chaador ta tule tule jhaarbi!
Me: Ota ki lungi??
Ma: Tui kaar abaar lungi uthiyechis????


Shahana said...

Your mother is HILARIOUS.

weaver said...

HEHE. your mom should meet my mom. it will be legendary.

R said...

Banana- see i'm going to keep calling you this. And she is, a little too much for her own good.

Shoili di- Should happen, yes. I wants to meet your mum also

weaver said...

No. She shows random people my baby pictures. :D (oh ok fiiine. *relents*. drop by in summer. just dont expect any cake if u laugh at the pictures)

R said...

Heeheeheee cakee cake cake cake!

Trisha said...

haha, she'll get cake all right. your mother takes pointing and laughing at you as a baby as a sign of affection and keeps giving more patishapta.