Thursday, January 12, 2012

Can you be a million different people and still hold yourself together? How to avoid moulding yourself into someone hemmed in by your own fears, insecurities and prejudices? How to avoid the pitfalls of apprehension and doubt? How to avoid society's expectations of you or the reverse which is not conforming, for the sake of going against the tide?
How do you know if something you do today is going to impact possibly one of the most important things in your life years later? It's not even a probability game.
To rush or not to rush. That is the question.


Tangled up in blue... said...

That's just it. You don't know. You take a leap of faith. And hope you don't live to regret it.

To rush or not to rush? That's an easy one for me. I'm too impulsive to even contemplate a question like that.

But I've been told taking your time and turning an argument over in your head has its advantages in the end.

I really really hope you find the right answer or the correct solution as and when you need it to be found. Good luck! :)

R said...

thanks hun, thanks a lot. i really hope so too.

Anonymous said...

You know, I think the most insightful remark Jobs made in that famous speech (at Harvard? Stanford?) was about letting the dots connect themselves. Do what you truly want to because that is the only avenue for possible success/gratification. It's not a probability game. Chances are that you'll lose, no matter how hard you try, no matter how good you are, no matter how much you fight. In such a chaotic world, all you can do is set yourself up for the best possible chance at success (here defined as your long term goal) Reason it out and make the best possible choice. Or rush headlong before you have time to think. Don't hesitate and then rush headlong. OK. Excuse me, while I go apply all this to my life now...

R said...

Stanford. I tend to make most important decisions impulsively. After a prolonged period of thinking and examining and agonizing and internalizing, I go fuck it and go with what I feel like in the moment. So productive, no?